Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Newest in Resources Here



September 8, 2009
Eddie Miller, Executive Director   •   Sid Hopkins, National Chairman

In This Issue:

Professional Enrichment for Associational Leaders
Associational Convocation
IMB Report Available


January 11-13, 2010
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ft. Worth, Texas

Professional Enrichment for Associational Leaders

VIDEO TRAINING - The database of associational and church video training resources continues to grow weekly. This month over 30 new presentations have been added. Take advantage of more than 250 presentations (over 200 hours of training) of helpful information. CLICK HERE to go directly to our video training portal. Then, click on "NEWEST" and "POPULAR" or just click ALL to review all training.
ASSOCIATIONAL ARTICLES - Submit your article(s) on associationalism, leadership or missions to our database. Current articles are found HERE, including:
CLICK HERE to submit your article to the NoBA Article database.
BOOK REVIEWS - Reviews written by other associational leaders are available HERE. Associational leaders are encouraged to submit book reviews on any book that would challenge other leaders. To read the most recent submissions to our book review database, CLICK HERE. If you would like to submit a book review, CLICK HERE to download instructions.

 Associational Convocation

Meet us this week at NAMB's Associational Convocation at Ridgecrest. Hundred's of NoBA members will be participating in this historic event. Be sure to stop by the NoBA table and pick up copies our new Network of Baptist Associations brochure.

IMB Report Available

RICHMOND - The International Mission Board now has a "print ready" IMB Report available for associational book of reports of other associational publications. Find this year's downloadable IMB Report HERE, about half way down the page in the Tool Box.
In addition, be on the look out for a video greeting and thanks from Dr. Rankin which can be used in your annual meeting, or other gathering. For additional information, contact Terry Sharp, Director/Lead Strategist for State and Associational Relations @ IMB (804.219.1939 or tsharp@imb.org).

© 2009 Network of Baptist Associations

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