Monday, May 18, 2009

You can Double Your Group


Josh Hunt

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Frequently Asked Questions


Double Your Group Size

With Josh Hunt
Tues. May 19, 2009

11:30 AM (ET)
10:30 AM (CT)
9:30 AM (MT)
8:30 AM (PT)
For Information, go to:

Limit 250 Phone Lines

See Conference Questions Below

In this Audio Conference for Pastors our guest, Josh Hunt, will give practical tools and strategies for helping small groups increase in size. Hunt is nationally known for his ability to lead churches to double their small group attendance through a clear formula which is reproducible by virtually any group or church leader. Hunt says his vision "is a simple one: to help the church double in the next 20 years." Join us for this FREE Audio Conference for Pastors to hear Josh's insight on how to effectively "Double Your Group Size".

Josh Hunt has authored 7 books and produced 7 video series (Click HERE for all products) on the topic of increasing and growing Sunday Schools, small groups and churches. In addition, he has numerous podcasts available also HERE.

CLICK HERE for FREE Registration (Limit 250 Phone Lines)

Every Audio Conference for Pastors will feature this unique FIVE Question format with moderator Bobby Gilstrap and each guest. This conference's questions are:  

  1. What is the potential of doubling groups?
  2. What are the 5 steps to doubling groups?
  3. What is the secret of the doubling process?
  4. How to encourage people to implement these ideas?
  5. What strategies overcome objections to creating new groups?
CLICK HERE to Download Conference Materials
CLICK HERE to Register (Limit 250 Phone Lines)

Every Audio Conference ends with an open forum question and answer period. At this time, you can ask our guest a specific question you might have that was not covered in the previous portion of the conference. You can ask your question directly or you can email your question to us before or during the conference. Send e-mail questions to E-mail questions may be included during the moderator's interview period.

The “Post-Conference Group Discussion” time is the strongest learning opportunity presented with the AUDIO CONFERENCE for Pastors ministry. Groups of pastors/church leaders are encouraged to gather around a speaker phone and participate in the conference. After the 59-minute conference, use the provided discussion guide to further discuss about conference topics as a group. 




Click HERE for Frequently Asked Questions about our Audio Conferences
Click for Conference Materials Download Page (.pdf)
 from Past Conferences

*A Cooperative Ministry for Leadership Development sponsored by 
Huron & Southeastern Baptist Associations (SBC) in Southeastern Michigan