Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sid Hopkins writes associational leaders

Hello Fellow DOMs!

As the National Chairman for the Network of Baptist Associations (NoBA), I wanted to write to let you know what will be taking place at the Summit 2009 and encourage you to register to be a part of another great event done by DOMs for DOMs!

All participants will have the privilege of choosing five breakout sessions as well as being a part of three plenary sessions, plus networking with other DOMs throughout the Summit event. Many say that the networking with other guys is as valuable as anything else that they sometimes get in a conference. The conferences and networking make for a great experience.

This year, we are also partnering with the Associational Initiatives Team at NAMB to provide a Track for the Core Competencies that are being developed to help DOMs change the culture of associations. The Core Competency being taught this year is "Achieving Kingdom Results" and will be available to the first forty who register for the Summit and request that track. Those 40 people will be led by the team of DoMs trained by NAMB and will stay together all day on Tuesday except for breaks and lunch. The evening will be free for those participants to network back with others on Tuesday night and they will also be able to participate with everyone on Monday evening and choose two breakouts for Wednesday morning.

If you are interested in attending this year's SUMMIT Training Event, let me encourage you to go to www.nobasbc.org and you will see the information on how to register, how to make your housing arrangements and how to sign up for the breakouts.

Please read and follow the instructions closely and be sure to respond to the confirmation emails that will be sent to you in order to finalize your registration. Please watch for those emails and reply to them to complete your process. You are NOT registered until you receive the second confirmation email, which serves as your receipt for registration.

NoBA now has 380+ members and it is growing each week as more people find out about what we are doing. We know that finances are tight with everyone at this time and some who might normally come may not be able to do so. Remember, that if you renew your membership, then you can still access many of the sessions online after the Summit. We have already registered almost 100 leaders for the 2009 SUMMIT and more are registering each day. It looks like we are going to have a good attendance in spite of the tight financial situation of so many.

I hope you can come and be a part of another great experience!

Sid Hopkins

P.S. We have just scheduled a Regional training event for the North Central States area. Details are on our website under PROGRAMS & EVENTS (Top navigation bar).

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (HCSB)

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