Monday, November 19, 2007

Invites You to Join Us!


Dear Associational Leader,

What are your plans for January 7-9, 2008? I hope that you are planning to be a part of the NoBA Associational Summit at Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX (see P.S. below). This meeting will be a great opportunity to get some of the best information and training regarding the work of associations available anywhere. (Click HERE for more SUMMIT information).

The team that has pulled this event together has worked hard to make the conferences relevant and timely (See Breakout Sessions HERE). We are looking forward to a great time of fellowship and learning from each other. This year our plenary speaker will be Ed Stetzer (from LifeWay Research) who will talk about trends and missional challenges that we are facing all across North America and the world.

Many of you will be participating in the Summit event, but I know that some of you will be unable to attend because of schedule or expense. I am very excited to tell you that at SUMMIT 2008 we will be introducing our new partnership with and the Nevada Baptist Convention (Click HERE to view sample training). We will be able to post training conferences on, which will include the audio, video, and PowerPoint slides for any conference we record and post. You will even be able to take notes on your computer while you view each training video. This means that even if you cannot attend January’s associational SUMMIT, members will be able to access quality training in the future on a 24/7 basis through  

One of NoBA’s objectives is to provide tools to help you in your strategic position as an area missionary. Your work is some of the most important as we attempt to reach North America and the world with the Gospel. We are committed to help you in any way possible.  

Let me know if I can be of service to you as you serve Him!

I pray that God will use NoBA to make a difference in your life and ministry!

In Him,
Eddie Miller, NoBA Executive Director

P.S. If you have paid for AIRPORT Shuttle service for the 2008 SUMMIT, please CLICK HERE to give us your flight information. If you don’t give us your information, we can’t pick you up.



"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (HCSB)