Monday, September 14, 2009

Associational Convocation Report


"Delivering Training and Resources to the Field in a Timely Manner!"

REPORT on Associational Convocation

September 14, 2009 -

In This Issue
PERSPECTIVE: Dr. Eddie Miller
"Missionary Directions Today" Sermon
Convocation Facilitated Breakout Sessions & Summary

Express Your Appreciation

NoBA encourages you to express your appreciation to the leadership at the North American Mission Board for providing the opportunity to meet for the 2009 Convocation on Associations. CLICK HERE to send your e-mail of appreciation.


Or Just Explore our Main Website HERE

Read Book Reviews By Associational Leaders HERE


 If you attended the 2009 Convocation on Associations, don't miss the opportunity to express your appreciation to the leadership at the North American Mission Board for providing this conference. 
CLICK HERE to send your e-mail of appreciation.

PERSPECTIVE: Dr. Eddie Miller
A View from Our Executive Director

Spiritual revitalization, full missional partnership, diversification, and a challenging future were the recurring ideas shared at this convocation among the over 400 Directors of Missions who attended. Last week’s Convocation on Associational missions held in Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina was by most accounts a very successful and encouraging meeting. It was encouraging to have the North American Mission Board show its concern and support for Associational work in a renewed and significant way. It was successful because over half of the active Directors of Missions from all over North America were sharing their ideas, concerns, and dreams for the future. (Read full article HERE)

Click to see the results of the
Convocation Facilitated Breakout Sessions & Summary.

"Missionary Directions Today" Sermon
A Challenging Message from the Convocation

Below is a brief outline from a very challenging message delivered by David Smith, Director of Missions for Austin Baptist Association. Read the full notes from this presentation HERE.

As DOM’s, Disciplers Of Many - How do we cast a vision for our Associations to join in the task of Discipling an entire world? 
1. By seeing the largeness of the harvest.
2. By praying …
a. For more workers
b. For a missionary mindset
c. For a capital ”K” Kingdom mindset
The churches of the ABA work together on 3 distinct fronts.
1. In the area of church strengthening.
2. In the area of church planting.
3. We as an Association have said that we want to be about City transformation.
3. By being in the harvest ourselves.
4. By trusting that the Lord will provide.
This “Harvest” business is not just a test of obedience, but also a test of dependence on the Lord: trusting that the Lord of the Harvest will provide.
CLICK HERE to read notes on this message.

Facilitated Breakout Sessions
Outline as Reported in Final Session of Convocation

A Director of Missions facilitated each breakout session with a note-taker provided by the North American Mission Board. The comments recorded from each of the 19 or 20 groups were then compiled into brief, digestible statements, and presented to the group attending the convocation on Friday morning.

Below are the questions and the summary of answers as presented to the group. Dr. David Meacham (NAMB’s Senior Consultant for Associational Strategies) stated that all responses would be made available at some point in the future in addition to these summaries.


1. As an ADoM, what things have you found helpful in your personal journey of living a vibrant spiritual life? 
    Summary of Answers: Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer / Bible / Quiet Time / Accountability
2. In your role as an ADoM, how can you be a good example of missional living and personal involvement in fulfilling the Great Commission? 
    Summary of Answers: Spiritual Overflow – Ministry Engagement
3. What spiritual breakthroughs do you see taking place in your association, especially as they relate to the Great Commission?
    Summary of Answers: People group engagement, Church Planting, Prayer, and Community Partnerships
4. How do you balance the concept of “finding where God is at work” with the challenges of planning strategies, organizing structures, and managing resources?
    Summary of Answers: Spiritual sensitivity, discovery before development, prioritize Kingdom, balance
5. While praying for a movement of God, what can you do to help churches focus on new spiritual energy and the spiritual dynamics needed to fulfill the Great Commission?  
    Summary of Answers: Mentoring / Accountability for pastors, being before doing, celebrate success

1. What qualities and characteristics, skills and competencies will be needed by ADoM’s in the future?
    Summary of Answers: Communication Excellence: Tech/Interpersonal; Lifelong learner, Developer of Leaders, Cross-cultural skills, Mobilizer
2. As you scan the horizon, what will be your greatest Great Commission opportunities in the coming days? Be specific.
    Summary of Answers: People / Affinity Groups, World across the street, Revitalizing Churches, Starting Churches
3. In the future, how should we measure success in associational work? What will be on the scorecard?
    Summary of Answers: Community / Cultural Transformation (needs more discussion), Church Health
4. If you had everything you needed, resources, time, and money, what could you do that no one else is doing to positively impact the work of your association?
    Summary of Answers: Start more churches, Invest in Pastors and families, Train more leaders.

1. What are the possibilities for the future of associations? What are the possible scenarios you see for the next 10 years?
    Summary of Answers: Diversity of Associational Types, Potential Resource Shifts, Technology Shifts
2. What should be “the takeaways” from this National Convocation? What “watchwords”, key thoughts, or phrases should emerge from this time and place?
    Summary of Answers: Associations = Full Partners, Not Your Mother’s Association, Missionary Risk-Taker, Rebuild Trust / Transparency, Spiritual Vitality Needed, Value of this Type of Meeting
3. What can we do to prepare for a “bright future” for the Greatest Impact for the Great Commission?
    Summary of Answers: Pursue Spiritual Excellence, Networking at All Levels, Flexible Structures

FINAL SESSION SUMMARY (Presented by Sid Hopkins)
  • We and our world have a spiritual problem that only God has the answer for in the Person of Jesus who can empower us through the Holy Spirit
  1. We must be spiritually empowered to do spiritual work or else we are in way over our heads: Our Key Problem
  2. J.C. Bradley said that the Holy Spirit is the “Cosmic Director”
  3. We receive the power of the Holy Spirit when He chooses to release it and He releases it to whom he chooses  
  4. So our spiritual power is an act of grace on God’s part not anything that is “due” to us or merited by us
  5. Scripture teaches “To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required” The reverse of that scripture passage might be true: Much is required before much is given…We have to be His before He gives Himself to us
  • God has a purpose for associations of churches cooperating and networking together for Kingdom results
  1. We need to be careful when we say our purpose is to serve, resource, churches, etc.
  2. Our purpose is to serve God based on our calling and it can be expressed in our ministry of serving, resourcing the church, etc.
  3. We must continually remind ourselves that all of our training, skill development and competencies must be “anointed by God” in order to be useful to God
  4. We can be visionary and competent without being having spiritual vision and spiritual competency…a difference
  • Ephesians 4 tells us it is God who has chosen to give Apostles, Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets & Teachers to the church for the equipping of the saints and the building up of the body of Christ
  1. The diversity of these offices and roles given to the church means that associations will have a diversity of leadership styles
  2. That diversity of leadership styles will produce a diversity of models that will work in different contexts
  • Much thanks and appreciation are expressed by all DoMS, SBCADoM, NoBA and AIM for the partnership with NAMB in developing this convocation and to NAMB for hosting it.
  1. Much appreciation has been expressed for the calling and hosting of this convocation because of the value it has brought to our lives & ministries…we want and need more opportunities of this sort…let’s do it!
  2. While talking about our partnership in ministry in the past, associations have not really been received as full partners
  3. It is our prayer that we can have such partnerships in the future
  4. Associations are ready to join hands with state conventions and national entities to strengthen our cooperative future as full partners in the harvest fields where associations live
  5. Come and work with us there!

© 2009 Network of Baptist Associations


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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Newest in Resources Here



September 8, 2009
Eddie Miller, Executive Director   •   Sid Hopkins, National Chairman

In This Issue:

Professional Enrichment for Associational Leaders
Associational Convocation
IMB Report Available


January 11-13, 2010
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ft. Worth, Texas

Professional Enrichment for Associational Leaders

VIDEO TRAINING - The database of associational and church video training resources continues to grow weekly. This month over 30 new presentations have been added. Take advantage of more than 250 presentations (over 200 hours of training) of helpful information. CLICK HERE to go directly to our video training portal. Then, click on "NEWEST" and "POPULAR" or just click ALL to review all training.
ASSOCIATIONAL ARTICLES - Submit your article(s) on associationalism, leadership or missions to our database. Current articles are found HERE, including:
CLICK HERE to submit your article to the NoBA Article database.
BOOK REVIEWS - Reviews written by other associational leaders are available HERE. Associational leaders are encouraged to submit book reviews on any book that would challenge other leaders. To read the most recent submissions to our book review database, CLICK HERE. If you would like to submit a book review, CLICK HERE to download instructions.

 Associational Convocation

Meet us this week at NAMB's Associational Convocation at Ridgecrest. Hundred's of NoBA members will be participating in this historic event. Be sure to stop by the NoBA table and pick up copies our new Network of Baptist Associations brochure.

IMB Report Available

RICHMOND - The International Mission Board now has a "print ready" IMB Report available for associational book of reports of other associational publications. Find this year's downloadable IMB Report HERE, about half way down the page in the Tool Box.
In addition, be on the look out for a video greeting and thanks from Dr. Rankin which can be used in your annual meeting, or other gathering. For additional information, contact Terry Sharp, Director/Lead Strategist for State and Associational Relations @ IMB (804.219.1939 or

© 2009 Network of Baptist Associations

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