Monday, August 3, 2009

Launching a New Church RECORDINGS

Here are some recent AUDIO CONFERENCES that will definitely be of interest to you. We have done a series of interviews with experienced church planters and strategist on what it takes to LAUNCH A NEW CHURCH. Each guest was asked the same five questions on: How do you know if you have ENOUGH . . .

  • time
  • people
  • money
  • momentum, and
  • community awareness

to LAUNCH your new church? What I anticipate is that this series of broadcasts will form an audio collection of BEST PRACTICES in church planting from several different contexts. You can hear the recordings of "Launching a New Church" using the links below to each recording.

If you are planting now, praying about planting, or the least bit interested in planting a church you want to listen in to these recordings. These guys know their stuff. They have effectively launched ... listen and learn from their collective wisdom.

NOTE: Once we have the complete collection of recordings, we will build a landing page to access all Audio Conferences from one page.