Friday, October 31, 2008

2009 Summit Housing Open

October 31, 2008  - - Contact Us

ASSOCIATIONAL SUMMIT 2009 - Complete details should be released in the next week or two. Information on SUMMIT housing can be found at We apologize for the delay, but anticipate that you will join several hundred other associational leaders at the 2009 SUMMIT. CLICK HERE for the information that is now available.


Update to Website "Usernames"

We are beginning the process of updating existing usernames. When a user logs-in to our website we will ask you to update your profile - including adding or confirming your email address. Once the profile has been updated/saved, you will able to log-in using your email address and existing password the next time you return to our website.

(Login at to Access All Member Resources)



NOTE: If you have resources that you would be willing to share, please CLICK HERE.


Click Here to

2008 Membership Dues

NoBA now has a FACEBOOK group to expand networking possibilities for our associations. The group is moderated by Mark Millman in WI. To JOIN the group, first join Facebook at Then search GROUPS for "Network of Baptist Associations." 

If you are hosting a quality training event that would benefit associational leadership, and you'd be interested in recording it for our NoBA portal on, please CLICK HERE
After you have become a member of NoBA, you will have access to hundreds of resources and training opportunities through our new website. REGISTER as a NEW USER on our Homepage.

HOW DOES NoBA Communicate with MEMBERS?
  1. Via General e-Newsletters (like this newsletter) sent to all associational addresses in our database, not just members. Send us new addresses by CLICKING HERE.
  2. Member Only Communications via our WEBSITE (i.e. NAMB Think Tank Updates, etc.) - Members must REGISTER as a USER on our website homepage to receive these important communications.
  3. Facebook messages. Sent to all NoBA group members on This is an open Facebook group, therefore anyone can be a part, not just NoBA members.

Be a part of the community we now know as the

Network of Baptist Associations! 

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (HCSB)