Monday, June 30, 2008

NoBA Research Team Request


RESEARCH TEAM -The Research Team of NoBA is now being formed. If you
enjoy researching data, solving denominational and congregational puzzles
and want to provide quality informative tools that have a factual basis
... this team might be for you. Inquisitive people are welcomed.

If this sounds like you and you'd like additional information, contact Dr.
Mike Stewart at If interested in being a part of this
team, send your current resume to the same address.

We are looking for a wide variety of backgrounds for the research team.
You will need to have 4 - 6 hours per week available to do research and to
dialogue with team members. Six team members will be selected by August 1,
2008. A researched presentation is expected to be ready by NoBA's 2009
Associational SUMMIT conference. May the Lord bless each of you.


SURGERY - Sid Hopkins has requested that I notify you that for the next
two to three weeks there will not be any contacts or work related to any
of our NoBA Communication tools (i.e. Website, mailing lists, newsletters,
etc., except for our Facebook group, which Mark Millman manages). This
is due to the fact that I am required to have surgery on Monday morning
(June 30, 2008) at 10:00. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may
cause, but it is unavoidable.

Updates related to my surgery will be posted on our "Personal Prayer
Journal" at Thanks for your prayers.

bobby gilstrap, DoM, Michigan
Huron & Southeastern Baptist Associations


"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (HCSB)

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Announces Focus of 2009 Summit

June 2008  - - Contact Us

The National Leadership Team of NoBA announced earlier this week that ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP will be the focus of training at the 2009 Associational Summit in Fort Worth, TX. This is one of the four Essential COMPETENCIES determined to be necessary for associational ministry. There will be multiple sessions that will be a part of the new CERTIFICATION process that is being developed by the NoBA Education Team.
      Additional competency training will take place in 2009 including a March 2009  NoBA regional training event in Michigan.
      Other topics will also be covered in breakout sessions during the 2009 SUMMIT. We anticipate opening our 2009 SUMMIT registration and having more complete information available by late August or early September.
2008 SUMMIT Plenary Session

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(Login at to Access All Member Resources)
  •  VIDEO: Block Parties & Evangelistic Events, Pt. 1
  •  VIDEO: Block Parties & Special Events, Pt. 2

    NOTE: If you have resources that you would be willing to share, please CLICK HERE.

    Click Here to

    2008 Membership Dues

    "Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict" - George Bullard 

    "Planting Churches in the Real World"
    Joel Rainey, DoM, Maryland

    NoBA now has a FACEBOOK group to expand networking possibilities for our associations. The group is moderated by Mark Millman in WI. To JOIN the group, first join Facebook at Then search GROUPS for "Network of Baptist Associations." 

    If you are hosting a quality training event that would benefit associational leadership, and you'd be interested in recording it for our NoBA portal on, please CLICK HERE
    After you have become a member of NoBA, you will have access to hundreds of resources and training opportunities through our new website.

    HOW DOES NoBA Communicate with MEMBERS?
    1. Via General e-Newsletters (like this newsletter) sent to all associations in our database, not just members. Send us new addresses by CLICKING HERE.
    2. Member Only Communications via our WEBSITE (i.e. NAMB Think Tank Updates) - Members must REGISTER as a USER on our website homepage to receive these important communications.
    3. Facebook messages. Sent to all NoBA group members on This is an open Facebook group, therefore anyone can be a part, not just NoBA members.

    Be a part of the community we now know as the

    Network of Baptist Associations! 

    "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon
    you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
    Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 (HCSB)