Thursday, September 27, 2007

NoBA Breaks 300 Membership Mark



For More Information Contact:

Sid Hopkins, NoBA National Chairman


Bobby Gilstrap, NoBA Communications

734.483.5275; 734.457.3040

Network of Baptist Associations Break 300 Membership Mark

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA In the three hundredth anniversary year of associations, the Network of Baptist Associations (NoBA) announces that their membership has now surpassed the three hundred-member mark. NoBA Executive Director and Sierra Baptist Association’s Director of Missions, Eddie Miller commented, “It is a very exciting day in the life of NoBA! It is obvious that God is blessing the idea that Associations are a vital part of the work of churches all over North America. Three hundred is a great number this year for Baptist Associations.

The Network of Baptist Associations is a professional community of Baptist associations from forty states that are networking to strengthen each other for the work of assisting churches in accomplishing God’s mission. The NoBA organization was officially launched in January 2007. NoBA seeks to provide Associational Directors of Missions, plus associational staff and officers, with resources and networking opportunities that will strengthen the ministry of associations in the United States. Associational staff members or associational lay leaders are encouraged to get more information or join the NoBA organization at Members have full access to hundred's of resources that help them to be effective in ministering to their associational churches.

Miller continued, “It is no small thing that God is raising up the Network of Baptist Associations at this time in history. Let’s see what we can do together for the Kingdom!”



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Perspective Column - E-News September 2007

Sid Hopkins, NoBA National Chairman

oBA Builds Relationship with IMB

From the very beginning of our thoughts regarding NoBA, the leaders have all agreed that we want to be supportive of our Southern Baptist entities like IMB, Lifeway, NAMB and our state conventions. So, one of our goals for this year has been to meet with the Presidents of these entities to let them know who we are, who we represent and that we want to be partners in ministry. We are well on our way toward meeting this goal as I write this article. I was able to meet with Dr. Jerry Rankin and Terry Sharp at the IMB on Friday, August 17; Eddie Miller and I met with Dr. Bill Henry, Dr. Tom Hellams and Mike Perry at Lifeway on August 28; Larry Fillingim and I met with Dr. Geoffrey Hammond, Dr. Dennis Culbreth, Dr. Richard Harris and Harry Lewis on Sept. 11th.

In this article I wanted to focus on the meeting with Dr. Rankin at IMB. We met for just over an hour and I shared the purpose and vision of NoBA with specific emphasis on our desire to work in partnership with the IMB in reaching the nations of the world whetherit be somewhere else in the world on in our local associations where God is bringing the nations to us.

It was a very positive meeting where I sensed God’s direction in uniting our hearts in this common cause of fulfilling Acts 1:8 and the Great Commission. Dr. Rankin was very open and receptive to working with us in the days ahead to lead our churches to be engaged in missions.
I suggested to Dr. Rankin that we would perhaps like to designate one of our National Leadership Team to serve as a direct liaison to work closely with Terry Sharp in helping to keep Directors of Missions informed about the work of the IMB and how associations can partner with them. He liked the idea and we will be proceeding with this idea in the days ahead. Dr. Rankin realizes the importance of associations in Southern Baptist life and pledged to do all that he could to promote a positive relationship with IMB.

Read the NoBA press release (click here) with follow-up quotes from Dr. Rankin that will help you see and understand his heart for our world and for our partnership in the days ahead as we work together in the vineyard of our Lord.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Press Release - NoBA & IMB


For More Information Contact:

Sid Hopkins, NoBA National Chairman


Bobby Gilstrap, NoBA Communications

734.483.5275; 734.457.3040

Network of Baptist Associations Establish Relationship with IMB

LAWRENCEVILLE, GA "It is encouraging to know of the growth of the Network of Baptist Associations,” stated Dr. Jerry Rankin, president of the International Mission Board. Rankin met with Sid Hopkins, National Chairman of the Network of Baptist Associations (NoBA) on Friday, August 17, 2007 at the International Mission Board’s Missionary Learning Center to discuss initiating a partnership between NoBA and IMB. After the meeting, Rankin said, “A changing society and growing diversity among our churches challenges every denominational entity to re-examine programs and objectives in order to be relevant and effective. NoBA reflects a commitment to work together in a synergy of partnership to that end. It is a privilege for the IMB to be connected to this visionary and innovative development."

Hopkins reflected on the meeting with Rankin stating that he discussed that the NoBA organization wanted to enhance the partnership relationship with International Mission Board by working closely together to inform associations of the work of IMB. Hopkins continued saying he also asked that IMB allow NoBA to give input from the field to help them better serve associations and Associational Directors of Missions. Both requests were well received according to Hopkins.

Several years ago, the International Mission Board created the division of State and Associational Relations so they could better relate to and partner with associations in getting the international component of the ACTS 1:8 Challenge accomplished. Terry Sharp, director of the State and Associational Relations division also attended the meeting and commented, “We are living in a golden moment of missions and I count it a joy to serve along side associations as they serve the churches. I am excited about partnering with NoBA because of their desire to assist churches with a comprehensive mission strategy that focuses locally, nationally, and internationally.”

The Network of Baptist Associations is a professional community of Baptist associations networking to strengthen each other for the work of assisting churches in accomplishing God’s mission. The organization which was officially launched in January 2007 now has almost 300 members from 40 states. NoBA seeks to provide Associational Directors of Missions, plus associational staff and officers, with resources and networking opportunities that will strengthen the ministry of associations in the United States. Associational staff members or associational lay leaders are encouraged to get more information or join the NoBA organization at Members have full access to hundred's of resources that help them to be effective in ministering to their associational churches.
